Wednesday 9 October 2019

Yesterday we enjoyed the sunshine and cool weather once again, as we spent the afternoon in the forest for Outdoor Learning. We enjoyed some free play, read a story called Taking a Closer Look at the Forest, and then used magnifying glasses to explore the forest and it's inhabitants more closely. We also discussed our senses and how they can be used to learn more about the forest.

On Tuesday we met our Grade 6 buddies from Mrs. McKay's class. These will be our buddies for the entire year and we couldn't be more excited!! Over the past few days we have been working with them to disguise turkeys so that they won't get eaten on Thanksgiving. Some of us turned our turkeys into Darth Vader, a pirate, a mermaid, a pumpkin, a unicorn, and the list goes on. Mrs. Kristensen will post some pictures when they are all completed. In the meantime, some have been hung above our coat hooks, if you would like to come by and see!